Charles Lankester Podcast: Three Things

Do you find igniting small talk into a meaningful conversation at any gathering a challenge? Then perhaps you could take a page off podcaster Charles Lankester’s newly launched series: Three Things.

The seasoned communications advisor, who is based in Hong Kong, invites business, entertainment and sporting leaders to share the Three Things they wish they had known in their younger years.

WS asks Charles what the spark was behind his new podcast series, which is worth tuning into. It is now one of our favourite podcasts.

“This is really a passion project of mine. The idea for Three Things was sparked by the number of stories I have heard from friends, clients and colleagues over the years,” according to Charles.

Weekly Sparks - Charles Lankester

“Whilst age certainly does not always bring wisdom, it often brings perspective. Time is finite for us all and there is no going back.”

He added that he found the concept of being able to pass on Three Things (pieces of advice) to your younger self quite fascinating. “What would we do differently? How might changing these things have transformed our lives? Would we be happier? Richer? Healthier?”

Weekly Sparks - Charles Lankester

In the initial Three Things podcast, Hong Kong lawyer Kevin Bowers envisions turning back time. Over the years, Kevin built a reputation as one of Hong Kong’s most successful lawyers, but also faced major legal challenges, including being found innocent and cleared of all charges in a 2019 criminal case. Under pressure that few could only imagine, Kevin managed to find breakthroughs and positives from the experience. He believes that his most difficult moments have ultimately made him a better lawyer, and explains why in the podcast.

Over the next few episodes, Charles’ guests will include a fitness and wellness coach who had to literally rebuild herself and her life after a serious motorcycle accident.

“The other great appeal of Three Things is the huge canvas the concept presents. Everyone has dramatically different “things" and they are often completely unexpected or unpredictable,” he adds.

“The next time you are having lunch, drinks or dinner with family or friends, throw out the question ‘What three things would you tell your younger self if you could?’ I guarantee you an animated, amusing and often poignant conversation will follow as it compels people to look deeply into who and what they are, and what they would do differently if they could. At one level, the conversation offers people a time machine – what would you change if you could?"

“There is no agenda to Three Things other than I thought it would be a fun, thought-provoking activity and if we help just one person spark an idea and create a better future, then it's all been worth it. It's a very simple question: what are your Three Things? Let us know on”

Michelle | ws

Three Things podcast series is available on the following links: Spotify and Apple

Weekly Sparks - Charles Lankester

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